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At Rockwood Preparatory Academy we strive to have open, honest, and regular communication with all families in our school community.   Here are some of the comments we’ve received  through POSSIP (our weekly text messaging program).

"Ms. *** is absolutely amazing! She's been such a great influence on our children. "

POSSIP Parent Comment Dec. 2022

"Thank you to all the teachers that do pickup line. You're out there rain or shine and you all are amazing for it. "       

 POSSIP Parent Comment Dec. 2022

"I really appreciate the friendliness and openness the faculty expresses. My kid loves the school experience and I really like seeing the joy from other kids and their parents."  

POSSIP POSSIP Parent Comment Nov. 2022

"Ustedes como institución se han preocupado y ayudado a mi hijo para que sea mejor cada dia..estoy agradecida con ustedes"        POSSIP Parent Comment Nov. 2022


"The best school ever! The only negative l have to say is that the school only goes to the fifth grade but with that being said, best school ever!" 

POSSIP Parent Comment June 2022


"I love the school. In the past and in the present they met both of my children's needs. l would (and will) recommend Rockwood Preparatory to the world.  Thank you for helping my children be successful ❤️"       

POSSIP Parent Comment April 2022

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"Thank you Mr. *** for holding our kiddos accountable! Even with online learning these kids are working hard to continue their learning."

POSSIP Parent Comment Jan. 2022


"Thanks is just not enough for all the patience, effort, time, and love that Ms ****** is showing with her class and this distance learning. If it were not for her I don't how my son would be making it through the day. "Thanks is just not enough for all the patience, effort, time, and love that the teacher is showing with her class and this distance learning. If it were not for her I don't know how my son would be making it through the day"

PARENT POSSIP Comment Jan. 2022


"I love the routine that Mr. *** and the school have established. It's helping my child really focus and feel connected. I love the spirit weeks and assemblies. I know teachers are working extra hard to make engaging as possible!"

Parent POSSIP Comment, March 2021

"Mr. *** is an excellent teacher who motivates his students a lot to continue complying with their classes. I love the communication he has with the parents, in my case he always keeps me up to date with what happens with my student" .. thanks for all RPA !!

Parent POSSIP Comment, March 2021


"I’m proud of Mr ***  and all the teachers. I know it’s tough times and lots going around the world. It’s important to educate what’s going on relevant as well".

Parent POSSIP Comment, Jan. 2021


I really appreciate Ms. *** and her soft yet effective way of talking about racism and Prejudice with the second graders. It's hard topics but I love listening to her teach them. She has a wonderful way of approaching these hard subjects. Thank you!"

Parent POSSIP Comment, Jan. 2021


"I really appreciate having a counselor this year! She has been a great resource. And I want to say thank you to Ms. *** for scheduling so many social activities for the students!" 

Parent POSSIP Comment Dec. 2021

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